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Social Dental is a Utah-based social media marketing solution for dental professionals. Social Dental is the only dental marketing company that offers a HIPAA compliant picture taking app, which has a built-in compliant legal release form that patients can sign after every photo.
The Challenge:
Social Dental was founded in 2013 and has seen rapid growth in its customer base. With thousands of clients, Social Dental saw potential to grow even faster, but first needed to re-think its customer success function. Social Dental re-organized customer success professionals into a 4-person team-based model to ensure success across all customers - from those that required high touch support to those that were more hands off. The goal of these teams was to focus on 3 primary objectives: Oversee the journey of customers, capture and report on the “Voice of the Customer” directly from the source, and give feedback to the Social Dental product team to improve the customer experience.
With rapid growth and success, Social Dental wanted better visibility into how they could improve the customer journey and make their product even better. They needed a solution that not only gave them insight into key customer information, but that also gave them real-time suggestions on where to spend their time and how to improve the customer relationship.
Social Dental also wanted to streamline processes and standardize methodologies that would help each customer success manager increase personal productivity and take a proactive approach to customer success.
The Solution:
Social Dental selected ClientSuccess as their customer success management solution. The team chose ClientSuccess for several factors, including: Intuitiveness and ease of use, ability for a new customer success managers to use the system from day one with a greater understanding of technology the supported their methodology, as well as how to recognize areas to improve the customer journey, and visibility into the pulse of customer health scores.
ClientSuccess allowed Social Dental to break down the customer journey down into segments. It also helped the Social Dental customer success department improve onboarding with visibility into processes that were causing customer pain. Their customer success managers now have insights into a standardized health score and how the score is influenced by different stages in the customer journey: from onboarding to renewal and so on. The overall department increased productivity by working smarter, not harder, by using insights and information provided by ClientSuccess.
ClientSuccess helped Social Dental decrease the churn rate. ClientSuccess also helped Social Dental revamp and improve their onboarding experience with real-time analytics into customer health. Finally, the productivity of the team has skyrocketed, and so has the cost savings associated.
In fact, ClientSuccess is directly correlated with saving each customer success team member 2 ½ hours per day by focusing their actions on the right areas.
Download the entire Social Dental case study here
Check out the resources below for more success stories, customer success best practices and advice:
Consensus Sees 20% Lift in Customer Health with ClientSuccess
8 Ways to Ensure Your Startup is Customer Success Focused
Customer Success as a Culture: Customer Success Leaders Edition
Learn more about how ClientSuccess can help your company develop a strong customer success methodology and strategy with easy-to-use customer success software by requesting a 30-minute demo.