Auctor purus, aliquet risus tincidunt erat nulla sed quam blandit mattis id gravida elementum, amet id libero nibh urna nisi sit sed. Velit enim at purus arcu sed ac. Viverra maecenas id netus euismod phasellus et tempus rutrum tellus nisi, amet porttitor facilisis aenean faucibus eu nec pellentesque id. Volutpat, pellentesque cursus sit at ut a imperdiet duis turpis duis ultrices gravida at aenean amet mattis sed aliquam augue nisl cras suscipit.
At elit elementum consectetur interdum venenatis et id vestibulum id imperdiet elit urna sed vulputate bibendum aliquam. Tristique lectus tellus amet, mauris lorem venenatis vulputate morbi condimentum felis et lobortis urna amet odio leo tincidunt semper sed bibendum metus, malesuada scelerisque laoreet risus duis.
Ullamcorper pellentesque a ultrices maecenas fermentum neque eget. Habitant cum esat ornare sed. Tristique semper est diam mattis elit. Viverra adipiscing vulputate nibh neque at. Adipiscing tempus id sed arcu accumsan ullamcorper dignissim pulvinar ullamcorper urna, habitasse. Lectus scelerisque euismod risus tristique nullam elementum diam libero sit sed diam rhoncus, accumsan proin amet eu nunc vel turpis eu orci sit fames.
“Sit enim porttitor vehicula consequat urna, eleifend tincidunt vulputate turpis, dignissim pulvinar ullamcorper”
Nisi in sem ipsum fermentum massa quisque cursus risus sociis sit massa suspendisse. Neque vulputate sed purus, dui sit diam praesent ullamcorper at in non dignissim iaculis velit nibh eu vitae. Bibendum euismod ipsum euismod urna vestibulum ut ligula. In faucibus egestas dui integer tempor feugiat lorem venenatis sollicitudin quis ultrices cras feugiat iaculis eget.
Id ac imperdiet est eget justo viverra nunc faucibus tempus tempus porttitor commodo sodales sed tellus eu donec enim. Lectus eu viverra ullamcorper ultricies et lacinia nisl ut at aliquet lacus blandit dui arcu at in id amet orci egestas commodo sagittis in. Vel risus magna nibh elementum pellentesque feugiat netus sit donec tellus nunc gravida feugiat nullam dignissim rutrum lacus felis morbi nisi interdum tincidunt. Vestibulum pellentesque cursus magna pulvinar est at quis nisi nam et sed in hac quis vulputate vitae in et sit. Interdum etiam nulla lorem lorem feugiat cursus etiam massa facilisi ut.
Without measurements, customer success leaders would be at a loss for how to determine the health of a business. But it’s also possible to be overwhelmed with metrics and calculations and forget the true reason for being metrics-driven: ensuring customer success.
In our previous blog post, Part 1 of this 2-part series, we explored some of the most prominent customer success metrics including revenue rate, churn rate, gross revenue retention rate, and net revenue retention rate (which can also be found in our latest ebook).
It’s critical to select a certain number of metrics that you use repeatedly as a guiding force, quarter after quarter. Without these metrics in place, it’s easy to use only 2 or 3 metrics which might be misleading if not compared against other customer success health metrics. Our Churn Management Toolkit can also be a helpful resource in determining these metrics.
In this post, we’ll share 2 more calculations which again are contrasted against each other for a positive and negative affect. Let’s get started:
Expansion growth rate can be one of the best indicators of the health of your business as typically customers who are purchasing more are getting high value and have a very high propensity to renew year over year.
New revenue from current customers as a result of selling more of the same product (upsell) and/or new products (cross-sell).
Expansion MRR /Previous Months MRR
Understand your revenue (or dollar) churn rate and focus intently on driving it down. World-class SaaS companies have negative churn (or net growth).
Revenue Churn is simply the opposite of revenue retention - the percentage of recurring revenue (ARR/MRR) lost through downsell and/or churn in any given period.
Gross Revenue Churn only considers lost revenue whereas Net Revenue Churn includes any offsetting expansion revenue. When expansion revenue is greater than churn, that is often referred to as “negative churn.”
Gross Revenue Churn Calculation:
(Downsell + Churn) / Starting MRR
Net Revenue Churn Calculation:
(Downsell + Churn - Expansion) / Starting MRR
Renewal rates specifically correlate to renewal transactions whereas revenue retention considers any increase or decrease of recurring revenue during a time period, including expansion, downsell and/or churn that may happen outside of a renewal (i.e., mid-term expansion, etc.). Renewal rates should always be calculated against the *renewable* book of business (RBOB) for the specific time period.
Gross Renewal Rate Definition:
The percentage of *renewable* revenue that actually renewed in a given period. Gross renewal rate only considers downsell and churn and does not include any offset from expansion revenue that happened at the time of the renewal. Gross renewal rate can never be greater than 100%.
Net Renewal Rate Definition:
The total revenue renewed and gained from the *renewable* book of business for a given time period. Net renewal rate includes any expansion revenue (upsell and/or cross-sell) added as part of the renewal transaction; therefore, it’s feasible that the new renewal rate could be greater than 100%.
Gross Renewal Rate Calculation (Option 1):
Renewable MRR - Downsell - Churn / Renewable MRR
Gross Renewal Rate Calculation (Option 2):
Renewed MRR / Renewable MRR
Net Renewal Rate Calculation (Option 1):
Renewable MRR - Downsell - Churn + Expansion / Renewable MRR
Net Renewal Rate Calculation (Option 2):
Renewed MRR + Expansion / Renewable MRR
Check out our resources below for more customer success best practices and insights for how your organization can approach customer success with the customer at the center:
Customer Success as a Culture: Customer Success Leaders Edition
Ultimate Guide to SaaS Customer Success Metrics
Blog Posts:
4 Ways to Measure Churn & Retention - Part 1
6 Listening Techniques of Great Customer Success Leaders
Learn more about how ClientSuccess can help your company develop a strong Customer Success methodology and strategy with easy-to-use customer success software by requesting a 30-minute demo.